Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Digital Selves

I did this NY Times lesson last year for the first time with my AP class and it ended up being one of my absolute favorites. It starts with a look at marketing with Mac/PC ads, then moves into a discussion about our own personal computers and what they say about us. We then read an article about the Salman Rushdie electronic archive display that is at Emory University, and talked about the changes in archiving and what lies ahead. My favorite question (and answers) from that discussion was "Does our technology shape us or do we shape our technology?" We had an incredible conversation with Group 2 about this topic and one comment that stuck with me was in regard to twitter and teenagers (but could apply to all social media). One student made a point that people will post things on twitter that they would NEVER stand in a crowded public area with friends, family, and strangers, and yell. It was such a great way to make that particular point. Anyway, the last step of this lesson was to create a simulated digital desktop for a character from Macbeth and wow... did they deliver!!! I am posting pictures of them because they are THAT wonderful... all of them. Enjoy!

(They could either do digital versions or paper/poster versions.)