Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week of October 23

Four Day Week!!! Yay! :) This week will involve lots of conversation and the end of Hamlet for us. In addition, our Unit 1 test is next week on October 31. It will be over a LOT of information... I would start over this long fall break and look back over notes and study.

Tuesday, 10/23
Hamlet Project presentations/discussion

Wedneday, 10/24
Hamlet seminar

Thursday, 10/25
1- Multiple Choice
2-Therapeutic Thursday

Friday, 10/26
Hamlet work

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of October 15

What's up, FOUR DAY WEEK!?!?!?!  :) And for you guys, another FOUR DAY WEEK on the heels of this one!!! If that doesn't get you pumped up, I don't know what will!!! LOVED our time in Hamlet, even if some of you did not (read: not enough action). It IS a very cerebral play, I will admit. The action is way more psychological than it is physical, but I think it is still incredibly fascinating.

Monday, 10/15
Hamlet Multiple choice practice

Tuesday, 10/16
Hamlet work, probably a circuit training question activity

Wednesday, 10/17
Hamlet work, probably a group activity

Thursday, 10/18
Both groups Therapeutic Thursday

Monday, October 8, 2012


Here are some pics of your LAST Homecoming Week in high school. I love that so many of you took advantage of it. :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Week of October 10

Things are picking up for us, I believe. However, I do have a bit of a rant/request for Group TWO (Group 1, skip down to the schedule)... I thought more after you all left about today's class and your utter lack of participation. I really don't think it's that you don't understand. In fact, I think if you put effort into it, you probably understand the play as well as I do because you are that smart. But when I ask what is happening in the text, you hardly even look at your books. You gaze into space or back at me. I kind of think what is happening is just laziness and I think we have to get better with this. Take the time, make the effort, to DIG. Part of being in AP is being willing to scratch and pick and DIG at literature to find that meaning that others just surface skim and miss completely. I could tell you exactly what I want you to know but that doesn't help ANYBODY. I am trying to teach you to close read and work and try to find those meanings because that is what they will want you to do in college. I also think that hearing me drone on in explanation is SO MUCH more boring than you trying to piece together the puzzle and participating in a discussion of the text! So for your sake, for mine, for the sake of everything good, please try a little harder next week... I know that you can do it because I'VE TAUGHT EVERY ONE OF YOU BEFORE NOW! (except Victoria) Don't let your sophomore selves outshine your seniors selves... PLEASE... Please... please... OK? You know I love you, but I need more out of you. We good?

Monday, 10.8
Hamlet Act III

Tuesday, 10.9
Hamlet Act III and IV (I hope)

Wednesday, 10.10
Hamlet IV

Thursday, 10.11
1-MC Grading

Friday, 10.12
Hamlet IV
Passage ID

Gertrude and Claudius

I mentioned in class that I personally do not feel that there was an improper relationship between Gertrude and Claudius prior to the death of King Hamlet. I know that other teachers share varying opinions. What are your thoughts on this topic? What examples can you give from the text to back up your opinion? Do you think it is relevant to the plot either way? Do you think Shakespeare really cared what we made of that relationship?

Foil Characters in Hamlet

Do you feel that there are any foil characters in Hamlet? (You may have to remind yourself what a foil character is...) If you feel that there are, use the comment board to identify some and explain what effect the foil relationship has on the play, whether its plot of character development.