Friday, March 31, 2017

Week of April 3

We have done specific AP test prep this entire semester (not to mention that everything we have done is, in a sense, AP test prep), but we are going to hit it hard for the next month. I'll try to make it meaningful and entertaining, I promise.

Monday, 4/3

Tuesday, 4/4

Wednesday, 4/5

Thursday, 4/6
AP Test prep

Friday, 4/7
AP Test Prep
Monster Project due

Monster Project

This is due FRIDAY, April 7!!! 

Option A, Personal Narrative/Creative:

Think of “monsters” in your own life, specifically, the lives of those close to you, or society in general. By “monster”, we mean situations that are of our own making that have gotten out of control and taken over our lives. Addictions, time management, getting in with a group of people with negative influence, anxiety, depression, not taking school seriously in 9th and 10th grade and having to fight the next two years to bring up a GPA, one mistake that had negative and far-reaching ramifications, unplanned pregnancy, affairs, etc.

Write an index card about the monster and its power, then visually illustrate OR write a page in which you fully describe this monster and its power.

Option B, Research:

Look up a monster from another culture. Write a page in which you explain the origins of the monster, its description, its powers, and any other pertinent details about it.

Option C, Contemporary Connections:

Find a news article, past or present, about monstrous behavior as reported by the media. Print out a copy of the article and write a page summary of it, including your opinion of the behavior and its monstrosity.

Option D, Creative:

Create your own monster and monster story. The monster should have a background, name, and history or developmental tale that explains its existence. You have some options here... I want the details of the monster on an index card, then I will need some sort of sensory representation of the monster. This is where the various creative energies of this group will come into play. You could do a video for your monster. You could create it on a canvas. You could create a soundtrack of music for your monster or a tv episode based around your monster. You are welcome to perform a monologue AS your monster or write a story with your monster as the main character or write a song from the monster's perspective or a video game about your monster or a half-poster board cartoon starring your monster. 

Whatever you want to do, this entire project is WIDE OPEN to you. Dazzle me, people. Dazzle me with your monster-making, you young Frankensteins. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Week of March 27

Monday, 3/27
Discuss Exeter Book poetry

Tuesday, 3/28
Short Story AP work

Wednesday, 3/29

Thursday, 3/30
AP Poetry Work

Friday, 3/31

Friday, March 10, 2017

Week of March 20

Welcome back! I hope your break was wondrous. :)

Monday, 3/20
A-S Notes
Read Beowulf Part 1 for homework

Tuesday, 3/21
Senior Outreach

Wednesday, 3/22
Discuss 1
Read 2

Thursday, 3/23
Short Story focus

Friday, 3/24
Discuss 2
Read 3

AP Test Prep

AP Test Prep

I want you to spend at least two hours over break or the week after break on AP Test Prep. I have linked several sites on the blog that you can go for practice tests, tips, etc. Once you have logged the two hours, you need to leave a comment on the blog. Below are several options for your AP Test Prep time. Don't forget to comment on this blog post once you have logged your 2 hours! (It won't show your comment right away. I have to approve comments before they show up on here.)

Varsity Tutors
This site does not require you to set up an account to use, but if you do, it keeps track of your scores and such.  It includes diagnostic tests, practice tests, flashcards, etc. It also offers explanation as to why certain answers are correct and incorrect on the practice tests. You could spend quite a bit of time on this site!

AP Practice Exams
This site is a compilation of various sources and resources you can use for both practice AND test-taking tips.

5 Steps to a 5- McGraw-Hill
This one also offers explanations.

High School Test Prep
More practice tests

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

"Donne" Work

You will be responsible for John Donne on your test. It is what we would have done in class the day of the tornadoes. The page numbers are listed below.
