Monday, January 14, 2013

Week of 1.14

Well, I messed up first thing this week, so today and tomorrow are a little off. (Well, technically I messed up at the end of last week...) I am so excited to do Macbeth with you guys!!! I really think you are going to love it and get so much out of it. In fact, I love all of this Unit 3.

Monday, 1/14
Sir Gawaine/Le Morte (IN CLASS) :(
Brief intro to Unit 3

Tuesday, 1/15
Talk about Gawaine, Le Morte

Wednesday, 1/16
Macbeth Intro Seminar

Thursday, 1/17
1- Archetypes
2- TT

Friday, 1/18
Macbeth Act I
Lit Terms Quiz-- WHAT??? Yes. I am starting a new cram-for-the-AP-test-probably-what-we-should-have-done-all-year lit terms quiz each week or every other week. It is replacing the vocabulary that I tossed this year. You will get ten lit terms each week (or every other week). You need to both memorize the definition AND be able to either provide or recognize examples. This week's words are easy AND located on the blog post immediately below this one. :)


Kaedee said...

Mrs. Davis you seem to love every single unit we do...

A. Davis said...

Kaedee-- You've got me. I do. :) It's so true!!! Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL AWESOME! ;)