Monday, January 30, 2012

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!"

This week, we will say goodbye to the text of Macbeth, though we will have some work to do with it. I can't wait to read the ending tomorrow because I do find it one of the more exciting Act V's of Shakespeare's writing. I am also looking forward to our special event next week, for those of you who choose to come, to view the modernization of "Macbeth". I have heard so many great things about it!

Don't forget to be working on Lear. It is short and you do have a while before it is due (March 6), but we all know how fast February will probably fly by! As you work, you need to do two things. Number one, take good notes (and frequent ones) on post-its. (If you are using an e-reader, there is a note-taking function. If you aren't sure how to use yours, bring it in and I can help you. Putting post-its all over your screen won't really work. ;) ) Number, two, this is a book for which the toolbox cards will be completed. WORK ON THEM AS YOU GO, NOT WHEN YOU FINISH.

Monday, 1/30
Macbeth, Act V

Tuesday, 1/31
Macbeth, Act V
Macbeth Word Web

Wednesday, 2/1
Macbeth Multiple Choice work, Thesis statements

Thursday, 2/2
1st group - Defend old MC test
Work on new MC test
2nd group- Therapeutic Thursday
(Abby and Taylor)

Friday, 2/3
Lady Macbeth Then and Now
Group MC Activity