Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair"

Happy MLK Day week! I have so many favorite quotes of his, but one of the best is "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." I think that's a good model to base your life on. There are so many times in life that the easier option by far, the safer option, even, is to remain silent. From the most basic example of one person picking on another or jokes that seem harmless but are actually very offensive to the extreme of a country slaughtering its own citizens or children being abused by those who should protect them, silence is not acceptable. Be that person, even if you are standing alone. We are reading Macbeth, and this play contains a very clear example of the effects of silence. We are not to the end, and so can't see the full ramifications yet (and I don't want to spoil it), but as with most murders of a king, it is not going to end well. Macbeth, as you saw on Friday, decided that he should not do it, that he should let nature take its course. Lady Macbeth manipulated and bullied him into it. When it mattered, Macbeth kept silent. He let her push and bully and insult and get her way, rather than speaking up for what he knew to be right, even if he too felt the temptation to kill. Learn from literature, learn from history, learn from heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speak up and speak out. Be a hero to those around you who need a voice or a hand or a heart...

[Sermon over.]

This week, we are going to be doing vocab and reading Macbeth. I love how the play develops and am anxious for you to read and discuss it. So far, I feel like you guys aren't feeling Macbeth that much, and that makes me sad. I think that having the Shakespearean plays SO spread out due to the modified schedule makes it harder. Anyway, here is this week's schedule:

Tuesday, 1/17
Unit 6 Vocabulary: abject, agnostic, complicity, derelict, diatribe, effigy, equity, inane, indictment, indubitable, intermittent, moot, motif, neophyte, perspicacity, plenary, surveillance, sylvan, testy, travesty
Macbeth Act II
Wednesday, 1/18
Macbeth Act II
Thursday, 1/19
Macbeth work-Group 1
TT- Group 2
Friday, 1/20
Vocabulary Unit 6 Quiz