Monday, December 7, 2015

Portfolio Reflective Essay Assignment

As part of the final grade for this semester, you will take your writing portfolio (located in the plastic crates on the filing cabinet) and read through the essays in it. The essays there should be Hamlet, Frankenstein, College Application, Canterbury Tales, and Self Assessment. Feel free to add any of the practice essays we have done in class as well. After reading through your essays, I want you to write a reflective essay about your writing this semester. Where have you seen improvements? Have you lost anything along the way (I certainly hope not) or let anything slip? What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses in this style of writing? It doesn't need to be much over a page. Then you will pick ONE of the essays in your folder and revise it. There is a difference in revising and editing... Revising involves switching it around, changing sentences, adding information, etc.. We typically focus on only grammar and punctuation when it comes to editing (not that that is necessarily all that editing entails, but it's how high schoolers usually think of it). In other words, there will be sweeping changes to your paper. You need to type the revised version and then highlight all of the parts of it that are new or changes. You will turn in the portfolio complete with the old essays, the newly revised essay, and the reflective essay by Thursday, 12/17.