Friday, April 24, 2015

The Things They Carried assigment

This is a far more public forum than I normally would use to say anything like this but it's the only way I can get to all of you while it's still relevant.

I am not mad at you. If I came across as short today, it's just because I am tired and overwhelmed with all that's left to do and sad that the year is almost over and our time is so short and a little stressed about this test and I hated that our valuable class time had to be spent on demographics instead of the poetry review that we were supposed to do and the morning was pretty hectic, etc, etc, etc.. I LOOOVE you all and I have loved this year and I have loved this class and every day has been a joy. Seriously. Thank you for being the people and students you are. Thank you for your attention and your positivity and your enthusiasm and your kindness, even if some days it was fake. ;) I have loved so many classes through the years, and so many AP groups specifically, but you all have absolutely been the easiest to work with and the most gentle and kind. And you're SO. FREAKING. SMART. :)

OK. I feel better. :)

In regard to the Toolbox, remember that you are ALL doing a set for Grendel and then you can pick for your second set from either: Heart of Darkness, Everyman, or your Love Month book IF I APPROVED IT FOR THIS. If you haven't asked me yet and you do one that is not approved, you will not receive credit for it.

I am giving you an end of the year checklist on Monday. I just want to make sure we are all on the same page with everything.

Over the weekend, with the O'Brien book:

Tim O'Brien was a soldier in the Vietnam War. The Things They Carried is classified as a work of fiction, although it has many roots in his experiences. It is set up in the format of a series of essays. There are a few I want you to read and we are going to use one or more for our work on passage questions. I would have had you read the whole book but there is quite a bit of profanity and I don't want to require you to read something that might be offensive to you. The chapters I have chosen are acceptable. There is one more assignment that we are going to do with this book that is more creative and reflective. I would like for you to read the first essay (chapter), "The Things They Carried" (same title as the title of the book) in order to be better able to do that assignment but it's a little rough in places, so if you start reading and find that it bothers you, you are not required to read it. I know that you are incredibly busy people right now (as am I), but if you enjoy the reading and have the time, I would read all of it if I were you. It has been used MULTIPLE times on the AP test, so it's another good one to have in your arsenal.

Chapters you are required to read include:
"On the Rainy River"
"In the Field"
"Good Form"
"Field Trip"
"The Lives of the Dead"

Chapter I would like for you to read to complete the additional assignment but it is not required:
"The Things They Carried" (first chapter in the book)


Anonymous said...

It's all cool Mrs. Davis! I have enjoyed your class a lot :) (andrew rogers)