Monday, April 20, 2015

Monster Assignment

Option A: Real Life Monster? Find a news article that details what you would define to be especially monstrous behavior. Print the article and write a summary of both the article as well as the reasons you find it to be specifically monstrous.

Option B: Monster Research 

Monster _________________________________________________

Country of Origin _________________________________________

Date of first appearance in literature, drama, etc _________________

Creator/Author ___________________________________________

Appearances in literature ___________________________________

Appearances in performing arts ______________________________

Qualities ________________________________________________

What makes him/her a monster? _____________________________

Nemesis ________________________________________________

List at least 5 additional facts about the monster below:

Website(s) used __________________________________________

Option C: Grendel Essay
Who, ultimately, has a greater influence on Grendel-- the shaper or the dragon? Fully explain and develop your answer-- try to acknowledge the logical counterarguments. (Note: part of explaining your answer will be defining the influence of the shaper and the dragon.)

Option D: Monster Creation
Think of "monsters" in your own life, specifically, the lives of those close to you, or society in general. By "monster", we mean situations that are of our own making that have gotten out of control and taken over our lives. Addictions, time management, getting in with a group of people with negative influences, anxiety, depression, not taking school seriously enough in the underclassmen years and having to fight to bring up a GPA, one mistake that had negative and far-reaching ramifications, unplanned pregnancy, affairs, etc..

Write a paragraph  about the monster ands its power, then visually illustrate.