Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Advice for You. For FREE. ;)

My English IV classes wrote letters to their future children, to be given to them on their first day of high school. There were some pieces of advice in these letters that I found to be rather profound. I wrote them down, and in looking over them, it hit me that these things will apply to you all over again as you go into another new space and place next year, as new freshmen again. In fact, most of this can apply to ALL of us at any age! So, here you go. And you're welcome. ;)

"Every person you meet has something you can learn from."

"Not everyone will like you. Not everyone liked Jesus Christ, either. It's ok."

"Don't worry about feeling out of place; everyone else does too."

"You won't always be appreciated or thanked. And that doesn't matter either."

"I wish someone had encouraged me to explore more of myself."

"No revenge is the best revenge."

And, my very favorite:

"Know if what you want is a right or a privilege and who it will benefit in the future."