Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sonnet Annotation Activity

Step 1: Pick a sonnet. It does not have to be written by Shakespeare (or Petrarch), but it DOES need to fit the sonnet form and be a well-written poem. The websites below will help you come up with one. Do NOT take too long to find one, but DO select a sonnet that you like and understand.

Other sonnets (click on the poet's name and it will take you to that page, then you can click on sonnets written by that poet)

Step 2: Annotate the sonnet using the comments feature of the word processing program. First, copy and paste the sonnet into the document (including title and poet). Next, break it apart (the longer version of what you will do during the AP test on the poetry question), making notes and analysis. The websites below will help in this process. I am hoping we all know how to use the comments feature because I couldn't find a website with a tutorial for whatever generic version of word processing is on these machines...

Annotation Guides

Mr. Prestney, whom you probably wish was your teacher...

A wiki with a great example of what an annotated poem LOOKS like...
If that link doesn't work from school, here is another link.