Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Even at the End, They Shine...

Final projects in AP were to come up with a thesis statement that can be threaded through at least three of the works from this semester, then write a two page paper and do a visual project on that thesis. They. Were. Awesome. 

As long as there has been life, there has been pursuit. Plants strive to survive, animals fight for dominance, but sentient life is more complicated.
Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, Macbeth
If it can change you, it will change you.
~David C
Heart of Darkness, Macbeth, Frankenstein

Society, or the lack thereof, has an impact on the individual whether it shapes, influences, or changes him.
Heart of Darkness, Frankenstein, Grendel

The process of self-discovery is a long and complicated journey that everyone must go through.
Hamlet, Grendel, The Alchemist

Fate, the preordained set of events occurring throughout human life and history, is an important idea.
The Alchemist, Frankenstein, Macbeth

Relationships with others are the driving force behind one's actions whatever the intent of those actions may be; some positive, some negative, some pure ignorance and curiosity, but all actions determined by the presence of others impacting them.
The Alchemist, Macbeth, Grendel

A journey is not only a distance or a destination; the point is what you want to experience and how you choose to travel.
The Alchemist, Frankenstein, Grendel

There is always a choice between good and evil.
Frankenstein, Grendel, Macbeth

In every lifetime, there comes a time when he or she feels utterly alone.
The Alchemist, Frankenstein, Grendel

Trying to be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing everything it can to make you somebody you aren't is to fight the hardest battle you will ever fight.
Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, Macbeth, and Grendel

We all have a desire to be accepted, and this is portrayed in the hearts of these monstrosities.
Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, Grendel

To find out what you have, you must discover what you don't need.
The Alchemist, Frankenstein

We change through our literature.
The Alchemist, Memoirs of a Geisha, Macbeth

Books are a lot more like blankets than anyone seems to notice. They have a funny way of comforting you when you are looking for comfort, or simply when you are cold and in desperate need of warmth. ... The books I've read this year have warmed me when the heat wasn't working-- and they've pulled the covers from me when I needed a sobering night of winter air or rainy draught. 
There is not central thread. Every blanket is made of many threads. All threads are alike because they are all threads-- they make up all blankets and all books. But the threads do not step at the edge of the page or the corner of the bed; they go deep inside of me, and I may wind them and sew them as I please. What I pull from each, what I discover about myself in each, is the theme. What is life? Life is a bunch of threads.
Heart of Darkness, Anthem, and Frankenstein
 Society is so powerful that it's able to shape, change, and mold a person.
The Alchemist, Frankenstein

The literary view of evil has reacted to empirical discoveries and changes in popular perception by shifting the origin of a character's evil from his own nature to his social context. 
Beowulf, Macbeth, Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, and Grendel

Forced isolation creates a greater appreciation for community and companionship.
Grendel, Frankenstein, Reading Lolita in Tehran

Death can provide a background for other themes and ideas within a literary work.
Frankenstein, Hamlet, Grendel

Humans should not quickly judge or conform to the general consensus, but instead be open to ideas and opinions, flaws and disappointments.
The Alchemist, Hamlet, Macbeth
People are ultimately, irreparably, bound to be shaped, for better or worse, by the expectations and actions bestowed upon them by their peers.
Heart of Darkness, Frankenstein, Atonement

It is beyond their common state where ultimate truths are revealed and their responses ultimately determine their lives with the choices they make.
The Alchemist, Heart of Darkness, Grendel, and Frankenstein

We are shaped by our creators, our monsters, and the society into which we are born.
Frankenstein, Grendel, and The Kite Runner

Who we are reflects back at ourselves through our literature.
The Alchemist, Grendel, and Frankenstein

Motivation comes from various sources such as the pressures of society, the effects of isolation, the gain of fame and power, and the desire to help people in need.
A Passage to India, Frankenstein, Macbeth