Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Ok. I will continue to post the weekly calendar, but I thought as we hurtle headlong into Christmas Break, it might help to sort of lay out a long-range plan for you guys. Soooooo..... Here is where we are heading.

This Thursday and next, whichever group is NOT having Therapeutic Thursday will be looking over your essays in your portfolio and deciding which is the best pick for revision. In addition, you will analyze your writing for strengths and weaknesses and see how your writing has (hopefully) improved this semester. Your final portfolio, complete with a revised essay and a reflective essay (which will be an in-class essay in a couple of weeks) is due to me before you leave for Christmas break.

Remember, Middle Eastern novel panel discussions will take place Tues and Wed.

Journals are due next Friday, 12/7.

Your Unit 2 test is a take home test and it will be due on 12/14.

Last of all, your AP Toolbox is due on 12/18. This should include cards for The Alchemist, Frankenstein, and the Middle Eastern novel. This is a large part of your first semester grade.

Good deal? Laid out this way, it's not so bad, is it? I am debating (with myself) our next book. I want you to read something over December and Christmas break, I just haven't decided what. Any input? A completely independent pick? O'Brien's The Things They Carried? Waiting for Godot?


Olivia Hysinger said...

How about we do an independent classic and then do some type of project over it? I think it has potential to be fun! Although I'm looking forward to reading everything you have picked!

Kaedee said...

Can we not read something that's totally depressing? I want to have a happy Christmas break!