Monday, March 14, 2011

Macbeth Act II

In previous years, I have done the following activity over Lady Macbeth after Act II of Macbeth. I thought you might want to do a piece of this activity on the blog as one of your optional comments. I could see some of you getting into this...

You can link here to read the lyrics to Alanis Morissette's song "Wake Up". What is the speaker's attitude in this song? Does this seem to be more like Macbeth or Lady Macbeth's viewpoint in Acts I and II? Look at the first two lines and line eight. What is the speaker expressing in these lines about the person to whom she is referring? Rewrite the song (or any portion of the song) as if Lady Macbeth is talking to Macbeth. Keep in mind the states of mind of both characters at this point in the play.

Below is an example:
You want power but only if it's morally taken.
You like to think but only if someone else thinks for you.
No reason that you should be in dismay
No excuse for you not to do the deed today
Cause it's easy to be scared
So much easier than being brave
And if your chance comes and passes by, it shall never come back to you
You like prophecies to be fulfilled but only if you don't play your part
You sulk... and you think...just go do it
There's an obvious attraction
To the choice that risks your chance to be king
There's an obvious coward that I
could not make you finish tonight
Cause it's easy to be scared
So much easier than being brave
And if your chance comes and passes by, it shall never come back to you
To you to you to you to you and to you alone...
There's no jewels, no crown, no bravery anymore
There's a little boy cowering in a corner
Which the sight he cannot bear
There's a bold and proud little girl
Going to commit the act
But it's easy to be scared
So much easier than being brave
And if your chance comes and passes by, it shall never come back to you
To you, to you
Go on kill him go on just do it
Go on kill him go on just do it
Go on get it done before someone sees you
Go on kill him go on just do it
Just do it.