Friday, February 19, 2010

Foil Characters in Hamlet

Do you feel that there are any foil characters in Hamlet? (You may have to remind yourself what a foil character is...) If you feel that there are, use the comment board to identify some and explain what effect the foil relationship has on the play, whether its plot of character development.


Erica said...

Since I'm the first to comment, I'm going to take the easy one (ha). Laertes and Hamlet are foils, as Mr. Shakespeare is so kind to tell us through Hamlet's own words. We see in Scene 5 of Act 4 the striking contrast between the two of them. As soon as he knows Polonius has been murdered, Laertes comes barging in demanding his revenge. Hamlet, however, has taken the entirety of the play to make up his mind to do anything about King Hamlet's death. It's killing me that I can't find the line where Hamlet says Laertes is his foil or the part where he acknowleges the similarity of their predicaments.... Also, Act 3 Scene 4, Hamlet talking to his mom around line 55 shows King Hamlet and Claudius as foils, at least in Hamlet's opinion. He's comparing the two brothers and obviously thinks very highly of his father (shown by his god-like attributes), as opposed to his description of Claudius.